
Pitchapa Sukked

Pitchapa Sukked graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Sripatum University, Faculty of Accountancy, academic year 2005, started working at IDC Premie ...Read more

    4 June 2018 | 1186

    Nisa Yothasmutr

    My name is Nisa Yothasmutr. I was graduated from the Faculty of Economics in majored of Agricultural Economics, Kasetsart University in 2015. I have j ...Read more

      18 December 2017 | 1300

      Rojarek Leksomboon

      Rojarek Leksomboon Project Coordinator in the Administration Unit graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration, Accounting, Rajamangala Insti ...Read more

        24 January 2008 | 2353

        Pornpimol Sansaard

        Miss Pornpimol Sansaard had her bachelor degree in Management Sciences from Chiangrai Rajabhat University. After graduation, she had five experiences ...Read more

          17 September 2007 | 2278

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