
Project Code

Research team


Dana Bayani

Angela Kairu

Co - Researcher


Project Details

Project duration

Start: - June 2022
End: - December 2023


Project Status

Conducting Research - 65%

Viewer: 907

Publish date26 June 2023 09:15

Project Summary

National HTA methods and process guidelines (hereon in referred to as HTA guidelines) have been identified as a key factor in establishing a well-functioning HTA system (1,2). A number of resources already exist for countries seeking to develop their own HTA guidelines, such as the Practical Guide on Evidence-Informed Deliberative Processes, the iDSI Health Technology Assessment Toolkit, among others (3,4). However, to our knowledge, there exists no specific guidance for the development and successful adoption of good quality HTA methods and process guidelines. In particular, there is a gap in terms of how to start, set up the system, and evaluate the impact for HTA guidelines. This project aims to provide stepwise practical guidance and recommendations for LMICs developing or updating national HTA methods and/or process guidelines.


  1. World Health A. Health intervention and technology assessment in support of universal health coverage. 2014.
  2. World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western P. Factors conducive to the development of health technology assessment in Asia : impacts and policy options. Manila: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific; 2015 2015.
  3. Oortwijn W, Jansen M, Baltussen R. Evidence-Informed Deliberative Processes for Health Benefit Package Design – Part II: A Practical Guide. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2021:-.
  4. Jeffery M, Chi Y-L, Stewart M. iDSI health technology assessment toolkit [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research. 2019;8:703.