
Project Code

Research team


Co - Researcher


Project Details

Project duration

Start: -
End: -


Project Status

Conducting Research - 63%

Viewer: 460

Publish date1 January 2020 07:42

Project Summary

HTAsiaLink is a collaborative research network of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agencies in the Asia-Pacific region established on September 2010. The network started with an aim to strengthen Health Technology Assessment (HTA) research efficiency by sharing HTA information, experiences, and resources within the members. HTAsiaLink also focuses on promoting HTA utilization, developing an efficient methodology for HTA, and encouraging HTA evidences implementation for Universal Health Coverage. HTAsiaLink Annual Conference is the representative academic event that facilitates the exchange of HTA knowledge and experience among member agencies and identifies the development plan for the network next year. Hosted by the member agency annually designated by the HTAsiaLink Board, the conference also functions as the capacity building platform that junior researchers from the member agencies present their study and obtain productive comments from international experts and peers. Around 34 agencies from 17 different countries voluntarily join the network with the common objective of HTA competency improvement. For more information about HTAsiaLink, please visit http://www.htasialink.org. See related blog here.