
Project Code


Research team



Co - Researcher

Jongkolporn Wongviseskarn

Ubonwan Wattanadilokkul

Preyanuch Deebukkham

Project Details

Project duration

Start: - 2009
End: -


Project Status

Completed - 100%

Viewer: 1894

Publish date10 December 2011 14:38

Project Summary

The objective of this study is to determine the economic evaluation of absorbent products for urinary and fecal incontinence among disabled and elderly people in Thailand by taking the monthly average expense of adult diapers, incontinence pads of approximately 2,000 Baht per person into consideration.

While a majority of disabled people and dependent elderly people do not work, the expenses from their medical treatment of their urinary and fecal incontinence are very high. Consequently, a subcommittee for the development of the benefits and servicing system, the National Health Security Office in April 2010, a question was raised relating to the health policy as to whether or not the urinary and fecal incontinence for the disabled and elderly should be listed in the health benefits package under the universal coverage scheme. If they were listed, what effect would they have on the budget in the short and long term?

