
Project Code


Research team


Co - Researcher


Project Details

Project duration

Start: - 2007
End: -


Project Status

Completed - 100%

Viewer: 1445

Publish date24 November 2011 23:19

Project Summary

The study aims to explore how the processes to assess the appropriateness of health technologies are managed and arried out in responsible organizations in other countries. Health technology assessment institutes in 10 countries, amely England, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, the USA, Canada, Australia, Republic of Korea, and South Africa are included. The review suggests that the processes undertaken in these organizations can be divided into 4 main Steps: (1) The selection of health interventions to the assessment: Website is a common channel for topic submission. Eligible stakeholders to propose particular technologies comprise different parties namely healthcare professionals, government bodies, health technology users and the public. (2) Assessment and consultation: Once the topics are selected, groups of researchers will be assigned to conduct the assessment according to their expertise. (3) Approval of the evaluation results: consultations are convened to obtain comments and suggestions concerning the assessment results. This stage involves experts in relevant fields, health minister, and other key stakeholders in order to ensure the reliability and acceptability of the findings and policy recommendations. (4) The appeal procedure: Concerned parties are allowed to make appeal over the disagreeable assessment results. This procedure is available in some institutes with appraisal or policy decision authority.

