Spirometry is a pulmonary function test that measures the volume of air exhaled quickly and strongly to assess how well the lung works. Spirometry is a gold standard of diagnosis, which distinguishes between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Spirometry, moreover, is used to monitor disease progression, follow up treatment results, assess infirmity related to occupational diseases, or assess risks of clients before health insurance purchase etc.
However, in Thailand, spirometry services have faced a number of problems, especially in primary care units, such as inadequate supply and inappropriate distribution of spirometer, lack of certified staff who can perform the tests and interpret results, shortage of complementary equipment or procurement policies, etc. These problems may cause inefficiency and affect access to spirometry service. This research project aims to study assessment of spirometry service and feasibility of investment in spirometry service in community hospital. Four components namely, availability, accessibility, appropriateness (in the context of community hospitals in Thailand) and affordability of government and service provider, will be used as a framework.