

Our Vision: Better evidence, better decisions for a healtier society.

Our Vision: Better evidence, better decisions for a healtier society.


Our Mission: Generate high-quality evidence, catalyze innovation, foster collaboration, and empower networks to promote evidence-informed decision-making.

Our Mission: Generate high-quality evidence, catalyze innovation, foster collaboration, and empower networks to promote evidence-informed decision-making.


• Academic excellence: Generate high-quality evidence which is impactful to policy making. • Social engagement: Engage with and empower different stakeholder in the society, from laypeople, academia to policy makers. • HTA capacity building: Enhance capacity to generate as well as to utilise HTA evidence at individual, organisation, network, and industry level. • Knowledge management and translation: Create HTA awareness and use which lead to impact through efficient knowledge dissemination and management.

4 Strategies • Academic excellence: Generate high-quality evidence which is impactful to policy making. • Social engagement: Engage with and empower different stakeholder in the society, from laypeople, academia to policy makers. • HTA capacity building: Enhance capacity to generate as well as to utilise HTA evidence at individual, organisation, network, and industry level. • Knowledge management and translation: Create HTA awareness and use which lead to impact through efficient knowledge dissemination and management.

Research Focus Area

Research Focus Area • Service for early HTA: Delivering health technology assessment to foster the development of innovative health solutions • Policy-relevant research: Conducting impactful research that informs policy decision-making • Equity: Promoting equitible treatment by addressing the unique needs and circumstances of individuals to remove barriers to access • Environment: Committing to environmental sustainability • Digital health: Enhancing health outcomes through the integration of digital technology • Data: Creating and sharing data.

Research Focus Area • Service for early HTA: Delivering health technology assessment to foster the development of innovative health solutions • Policy-relevant research: Conducting impactful research that informs policy decision-making • Equity: Promoting equitable treatment by addressing the unique needs and circumstances of individuals to remove barriers to access • Environment: Committing to environmental sustainability • Digital health: Enhancing health outcomes through the integration of digital technology • Data: Creating and sharing data.


Related document(s):

Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Foundation Announcement: Code of Conduct and Measures to Manage Conflict of Interest