Overcoming Barriers: Financing and Service Delivery for Vaccination in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

PMAC 2016 Side Event (SE 014): Advanced Workshop in Methods for HTA
The methods of HTA have developed rapidly in the last decade. This is particularly the case in assessing the cost-effectiveness of interventions using modelling methods and in undertaking uncertainty analysis to guide decisions. Decision makers, manufacturers and researchers will need to understand these evolving methods to realise the full potential of HTA. This course will develop participants’ understanding of recent developments in HTA and their implications for decision making.
Date: 27 January 2016, Wednesday, 14:00-17:30 HRS (3 hours with 20 minute break)
Place: Lotus Suite 2, Fl.22, Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld
Type: Open to all PMAC participants
Health technology assessment (HTA) can be defined as an assessment of the value of medical interventions in the context of limited resources. These methods have now been used extensively in many parts of the world to guide decisions about the funding of new medical interventions, particularly branded pharmaceuticals. More countries are using HTA to guide resource allocation decisions based on the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, affordability and equity. The methods of HTA have developed rapidly in the last decade. This is particularly the case in assessing the cost-effectiveness of interventions using modelling methods and in undertaking uncertainty analysis to guide decisions. Decision makers, manufacturers and researchers will need to understand these evolving methods realise the full potential of HTA.
To develop participants’ understanding of recent developments in HTA and their implications for decision making
Expected Outcomes:
Participants will be able to link the needs of decision making with the key features of advanced HTA; understand recent development in decision modelling including the use of parametric survival analysis; describe the key elements of uncertainty and value of information analysis and how these support decision making; understand why quantifying opportunity costs through cost-effectiveness thresholds is essential to inform decisions, and be informed about recent empirical research on thresholds.
Target participants (open to all):
Participants should be familiar with the fundamental aspects of economic evaluation and HTA. They can be drawn from a range of professional backgrounds including academic researchers, consultants, health care decision makers and government officials.
The course will be divided into four 40 minute presentations. These will be delivered by Professors Sculpher and Claxton. The four topics will be:
Organizer and Contact Details:
University of York
Heslington, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1904 320 000