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The Indonesian HTA Committee (InaHTAC) was formally renewed and continues its work as a facilitator of national HTA studies as of 2016. Under their oversight and technical support provided by iDSI, three HTA economic evaluation studies were completed from 2014-2016: the economic evaluation of sildenafil as a first line treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH); the economic evaluation of the package of essential non-communicable disease interventions (PEN); and, the economic evaluation of the renal replacement therapy options for Indonesia.

In order to facilitate future activities, HITAP invited representatives from the Centre for Healthcare Financing (Pusat Pembiyaan Jaminan Kesehatan or PPJK), the Social Security Healthcare Administrator or Agency for the Organization of Social Insurance (Badan Penyelanggara Jaminan Sosial or BPJS Kesehatan), as well as members of various Directorates within the Ministry of Health, Indonesia. Many of these representatives are also part of the InaHTAC, which is HITAP’s main partner. The visitors discussed developments in the country as well as upcoming projects and activities with HITAP.

As part of HITAP’s goal to facilitate the implementation of the HTA studies, HITAP also introduced the partners to a workshop in Thailand that discusses the implementation of peritoneal dialysis in Thailand. They attended a one-day forum and went on field visits to understand the mechanics of the program. This will help with their consideration of the renal replacement therapy options in Indonesia and the next steps should they decide to scale up peritoneal dialysis provision from pilot testing to the national level.