Uploaded ToEvaluation of the Gavi Health Systems Strengthening Support to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
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The Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPR Korea) was one of the first countries to successfully apply for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’s (Gavi) new funding window on health systems strengthening (HSS) in 2006 and was subsequently awarded a second Gavi HSS grant in 2014. The Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, was requested to conduct an “end-of-grant” evaluation of the first Gavi HSS grant and the midterm progress assessment of the second Gavi HSS grant, covering the period from 2007 to 2017.

This report summarises the study which aimed to: assess the extent to which Gavi HSS support provided to DPR Korea during this period achieved, or is on track to achieve, its objectives; determine to what extent it has contributed to strengthening the health system of the country; identify issues encountered during implementation that have affected the overall results; and share the lessons learnt for informed decision-making with regard to future support from Gavi and other international donors to the DPR Korea. This study was supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) DPR Korea.

For full report please click here