Mission Report: Kenya’s Health Benefits Advisory Panal (HBAP) study visit to Thailand
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In 2018, Kenya’s President committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2022. Subsequently, in June of the same year, the Cabinet Secretary for Health formed a Health Benefits Advisory Panel (HBAP) to develop a benefits package for the UHC program. Through past engagements between the Kenyan and Thai Ministries of Health, the HBAP was invited for a study visit to the Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) in Bangkok, Thailand. HITAP is one of the organizations involved with conducting Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for the health benefits package used in the Thai UHC scheme. Thus, HITAP has lessons and experiences which could be shared and discussed with the HBAP. Through the study visit, the panel aims to learn about Thailand’s HTA system, including governance, frameworks, guidelines, the process, and its role in the health system, and HITAP learned about the Kenyan system. This study visit was supported by the International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI), Ministry of Health Kenya, The Access Delivery and Partnership (ADP), and KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP).

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