
Project Code


Research team


Kanlaya Teerawattananon, M.D.

Co - Researcher

Kwanjai Wongkittiruk

Chanida Lertpitakpong, M.A.

Usa Chaikledkaew, PhD.

Project Details

Project Status

Completed - 100%

Viewer: 2207

Publish date1 December 2011 14:51

Project Summary

There have been an increasing number of people undergoing cataract surgery in the past five years, especially with those under the Unicersal Coverage Scheme (UC). Improtant factors contributing to this have included an increase in the number of opthalmologists and an increase in the population of Thai provinces. For facotrs influencing the type of intraocular lens (IOLs) used, the most important factor was type of health insurance coverage-patients under the Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (CSMBS) were 22 times more likely to receive expensive foldable intraocular lenses compared to those under the UC who were more likely to receive cheap rigid IOLs. A model-based cost-effectiveness analysis revealed that foldable IOLs offer little additional health outcoms in term of Quality Adjusted Life Years compared to rigid IOLs but are much more expensive. Foldable IOLs have been found to be cost-ineffective under the Thai contexts

