
Project Code


Research team


Adun Mohara B.Pharm, M.Sc.(Health Economic)

Co - Researcher

Nuttawut Pimsawan, B.S.(Geography), M.S.(Geography)

Project Details

Project Status

Completed - 100%

Viewer: 1760

Publish date26 November 2011 17:47

Project Summary

This intervention was approved by the National Committee on AIDS Prevention and Alleviation for use in the country in 2007, The research findings will be helpful in informing the development of program’s strategies. Although appropriate policy guidance concerning the implementation of particular health technologies is context-specific, the Thai policy may be modified to suit health service environments in other developing countries. This study aims to provide policy recommendations concerning the adoption and introduction of oral fluid based, rapid HIV testing in health delivery systems in Thailand. This study does not suggest a potential need for the use of oral fluid based, rapid HIV antibody testing in the current public and private health care settings in Thailand. In addition, the test may cause undesirable implications. However, as this technology has certain comparative advantages over conventional serum HIV testing, such as it increases acceptance for HIV testing in the population, the health delivery system should be well prepared if it is to be implemented.

