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ชื่อ-สกุล: Preyanuch Deebukkham

อีเมล์: [email protected],

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Preyanuch Deebukkham is currently working as a part-time research assistant at HITAP. In 2007, she graduated from Faculty of Pharmaceutical science, Ubonrajathanee University, Ubonrajathanee province. She worked as a professional sales representative at Schring-Plough (American Pharmaceutical Company) which later on merged with Mersk Sharp and Dolme.

Recently, she decided to pursue her master degree in a field of Pharmacy Administration at Pharmaceutical faculty, Mahidol University. In order to complete her degree, she focused on a study of “Cost-utility analysis of Self-monitoring blood glucose in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 who using insulin in Thailand” as her thesis, hence she joint HITAP as a research assistant for part-time basis.