Risk prediction models of breast cancer: a systematic review of model performance. (2012)
Risk prediction models of breast cancer: a systematic review of model performance Full Text: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22076477 ...อ่านต่อ
Risk prediction models of breast cancer: a systematic review of model performance Full Text: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22076477 ...อ่านต่อ
Abstract: There is increasing impetus to use pharmaceutical interventions, ie, ranibizumab or bevacizumab, for the treatment of particular macular dis ...อ่านต่อ
The EVIDEM framework and its usefulness for priority setting across a broad range of health interventions Sitaporn Youngkong1,2*, Noor Tromp1† ...อ่านต่อ
Government use licenses in Thailand: The power of evidence, civil movement and political leadership Suwit Wibulpolprasert1, Vichai Chokevivat2, ...อ่านต่อ
Government use licenses in Thailand: an assessment of the health and economic impacts Inthira Yamabhai, Adun Mohara, Sripen Tantivess*, Kakanan ...อ่านต่อ
Is a HIV vaccine a viable option and at what price? An economic evaluation of adding HIV vaccination into existing prevention programs in Thailand &nb ...อ่านต่อ
Economic Evaluation of Policy Options for Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer in Thailand Naiyana Praditsitthikorn,1,2 Yot Teerawattanano ...อ่านต่อ
Human papillomavirus vaccine introduction in low and middle income countries: guidance on the use of cost-effectiveness models Mark Jit1, Nadia ...อ่านต่อ
Is There a Role for Pharmacoeconomics in Developing Countries? Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.2165/11591060-000000000-00000 ...อ่านต่อ
Stories of knowledge translation: lessons learned from three years of experience working in a policy research unit under the Thai Ministry of Public H ...อ่านต่อ