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Development of a population-based screening for anemia in Thailand
Tanunya Koopitakkajorn*, Patsri Srisuwan†, Pritaporn Kingkaew*, Sitaporn Youngkong*, Napatcha
Wongchaya‡, Supatcharin Suwannakerd‡, Sripen Tantivess*, and Yot Teerawattananon*
*Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program, Ministry of Public Health
†Outpatient and Family Medicine Department, Phramongkutklao Hospital
‡Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University
     Iron deficiency anemia is associated with long-lasting diminished mental, motor, and behavioral
functioning, especially in infants and toddlers for whom iron is necessary for development. Treatment
with iron can reverse the anemia and restore iron sufficiency, but poor developmental functioning can
persist. Intervention should focus on the prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Since population-based
screening guideline for iron deficiency anemia has not been well established, this study aims to conduct a
literature review on population-based screening for anemia, followed by a panel discussion among experts.
The results support iron deficiency anemia screening with complete blood count (CBC) for all infants
at 9 to 12 months of age who come for their first MMR vaccination. Hematocrit (Hct) can be substituted
where CBC cannot be performed. Further studies on anemia screening for the other groups of population
are warranted.