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Cardiovascular disease risk assessment
Pritaporn Kingkaew*, Tanunya Koopitakkajorn*, Patsri Srisuwan**, Sitaporn Youngkong*, Sripen
Tantivess*, and Yot Teerawattananon*
*Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program, Ministry of Public Health, **Outpatient and Family
Medicine Department, Phramongkutklao Hospital
Ischemic heart disease and stroke are two major health problems in Thailand. This study aims to
review existing evidence of the screening for cardiovascular diseases at the population level from the
clinical practice guidelines used in selected countries, including Thailand. It is recommended that a global
risk score, known as the Rama-EGAT heart score, should be used for the general Thai population aged 35
years and above to screen for the development of coronary heart disease at 5 year intervals, with a plan to
monitor and evaluate the method at the population level. Further research is also needed for the development
of a global risk score for strokes in Thailand.